Xcode For Android Download

Xcode app download for android

New to fastlane? Click here to open the installation & setup instructions first

1) Install the latest Xcode command line tools

2) Install fastlane

Currently and officially, Xcode is only available through Mac App Store or iTunes, but still Mac users can download xcode without app store and without Apple ID for free. Although, xCode software is only compatible with macOS, but still Windows users can download, install and run PC version of xcode through virtual machine software like VMware. Xcode 4.2 is the last version to support Mac OS X 10.6 'Snow Leopard', but is available only to registered developers with paid accounts; without a paid account, 3.2.6 is the latest download that appears for Snow Leopard.

Xcode App Download For Android

3) Navigate to your project and run

This page contains a list of all built-in fastlane actions and their available options.

To get the most up-to-date information from the command line on your current version you can also run

You can import another Fastfile by using the import action. This is useful if you have shared lanes across multiple apps and you want to store a Fastfile in a separate folder. The path must be relative to the Fastfile this is called from.

For fastlane plugins, check out the available plugins page.If you want to create your own action, check out the local actions page.

ActionDescriptionSupported Platforms
scanAlias for the run_tests actionios, mac
slatherUse slather to generate a code coverage reportios, mac
swiftlintRun swift code validation using SwiftLintios, mac
xcovNice code coverage reports without hassleios, mac
sonarInvokes sonar-scanner to programmatically run SonarQube analysisios, android, mac
oclintLints implementation files with OCLintios, android, mac
gcovrRuns test coverage reports for your Xcode projectios
lcovGenerates coverage data using lcovios, mac
appiumRun UI test by Appium with RSpecios, android
xctoolRun tests using xctoolios, mac
run_testsEasily run tests of your iOS app (via scan)ios, mac
xcode_server_get_assetsDownloads Xcode Bot assets like the .xcarchive and logsios, mac
ActionDescriptionSupported Platforms
gymAlias for the build_app actionios, mac
cocoapodsRuns pod install for the projectios, mac
gradleAll gradle related actions, including building and testing your Android appios, android
clear_derived_dataDeletes the Xcode Derived Dataios, mac
adbRun ADB Actionsandroid
xcversionSelect an Xcode to use by version specifierios, mac
xcodebuildUse the xcodebuild command to build and sign your appios, mac
carthageRuns carthage for your projectios, mac
xcode_selectChange the xcode-path to use. Useful for beta versions of Xcodeios, mac
ensure_xcode_versionEnsure the right version of Xcode is usedios, mac
clean_cocoapods_cacheRemove the cache for podsios, mac
verify_xcodeVerifies that the Xcode installation is properly signed by Appleios, mac
xcode_installMake sure a certain version of Xcode is installedios, mac
verify_pod_keysVerifies all keys referenced from the Podfile are non-emptyios, mac
xcbuildBuilds the project using xcodebuildios, mac
build_android_appAlias for the gradle actionios, android
create_xcframeworkPackage multiple build configs of a library/framework into a single xcframeworkios, mac
build_appEasily build and sign your app (via gym)ios, mac
xccleanCleans the project using xcodebuildios, mac
build_ios_appAlias for the build_app action but only for iOSios
spmRuns Swift Package Manager on your projectios, android, mac
xcarchiveArchives the project using xcodebuildios, mac
build_mac_appAlias for the build_app action but only for macOSmac
xctestRuns tests on the given simulatorios, mac
xcexportExports the project using xcodebuildios, mac
ActionDescriptionSupported Platforms
snapshotAlias for the capture_ios_screenshots actionios, mac
screengrabAlias for the capture_android_screenshots actionandroid
frameitAlias for the frame_screenshots actionios, android, mac
frame_screenshotsAdds device frames around all screenshots (via frameit)ios, android, mac
capture_ios_screenshotsGenerate new localized screenshots on multiple devices (via snapshot)ios, mac
capture_screenshotsAlias for the capture_ios_screenshots actionios, mac
capture_android_screenshotsAutomated localized screenshots of your Android app (via screengrab)android
ActionDescriptionSupported Platforms
increment_build_numberIncrement the build number of your projectios, mac
set_info_plist_valueSets value to Info.plist of your project as native Ruby data structuresios, mac
get_version_numberGet the version number of your projectios, mac
get_info_plist_valueReturns value from Info.plist of your project as native Ruby data structuresios, mac
update_info_plistUpdate a Info.plist file with bundle identifier and display nameios
update_app_identifierUpdate the project's bundle identifierios
get_build_numberGet the build number of your projectios, mac
increment_version_numberIncrement the version number of your projectios, mac
update_project_teamUpdate Xcode Development Team IDios, mac
update_app_group_identifiersThis action changes the app group identifiers in the entitlements fileios
get_ipa_info_plist_valueReturns a value from Info.plist inside a .ipa fileios, mac
recreate_schemesRecreate not shared Xcode project schemesios, mac
update_url_schemesUpdates the URL schemes in the given Info.plistios, mac
set_build_number_repositorySet the build number from the current repositoryios, mac
set_pod_keySets a value for a key with cocoapods-keysios, mac
update_keychain_access_groupsThis action changes the keychain access groups in the entitlements fileios
update_plistUpdate a plist fileios
ActionDescriptionSupported Platforms
sighAlias for the get_provisioning_profile actionios, mac
matchAlias for the sync_code_signing actionios, mac
certAlias for the get_certificates actionios
import_certificateImport certificate from inputfile into a keychainios, android, mac
update_project_provisioningUpdate projects code signing settings from your provisioning profileios, mac
resignCodesign an existing ipa fileios
register_devicesRegisters new devices to the Apple Dev Portalios, mac
register_deviceRegisters a new device to the Apple Dev Portalios
get_certificatesCreate new iOS code signing certificates (via cert)ios
sync_code_signingEasily sync your certificates and profiles across your team (via match)ios, mac
install_provisioning_profileInstall provisioning profile from pathios, mac
match_nukeEasily nuke your certificate and provisioning profiles (via match)ios, mac
update_code_signing_settingsConfigures Xcode's Codesigning optionsios, mac
get_provisioning_profileGenerates a provisioning profile, saving it in the current folder (via sigh)ios, mac
notarizeNotarizes a macOS appmac
ActionDescriptionSupported Platforms
jazzyGenerate docs using Jazzyios, mac
appledocGenerate Apple-like source code documentation from the source codeios, mac
ActionDescriptionSupported Platforms
pilotAlias for the upload_to_testflight actionios
testflightAlias for the upload_to_testflight actionios
deploygateUpload a new build to DeployGateios, android
apteligentUpload dSYM file to Apteligent (Crittercism)ios
appetizeUpload your app to Appetize.io to stream it in browserios, android
testfairyUpload a new build to TestFairyios, android
appaloosaUpload your app to Appaloosa Storeios, android, mac
nexus_uploadUpload a file to Sonatype Nexus platformios, android, mac
installrUpload a new build to Installrios
splunkmintUpload dSYM file to Splunk MINTios
tryoutsUpload a new build to Tryoutsios, android
podio_itemCreates or updates an item within your Podio appios, android, mac
upload_to_testflightUpload new binary to App Store Connect for TestFlight beta testing (via pilot)ios
ActionDescriptionSupported Platforms
pemAlias for the get_push_certificate actionios
update_urban_airship_configurationSet Urban Airship plist configuration valuesios
onesignalCreate or update a new OneSignal applicationios, android
get_push_certificateEnsure a valid push profile is active, creating a new one if needed (via pem)ios
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ActionDescriptionSupported Platforms
deliverAlias for the upload_to_app_store actionios, mac
supplyAlias for the upload_to_play_store actionandroid
appstoreAlias for the upload_to_app_store actionios, mac
upload_app_privacy_details_to_app_storeUpload App Privacy Details for an app in App Store Connectios, mac
download_from_play_storeDownload metadata and binaries from Google Play (via supply)android
download_app_privacy_details_from_app_storeDownload App Privacy Details from an app in App Store Connectios, mac
upload_to_app_storeUpload metadata and binary to App Store Connect (via deliver)ios, mac
upload_to_play_store_internal_app_sharingUpload binaries to Google Play Internal App Sharing (via supply)android
upload_to_play_storeUpload metadata, screenshots and binaries to Google Play (via supply)android
ActionDescriptionSupported Platforms
ensure_git_status_cleanRaises an exception if there are uncommitted git changesios, android, mac
git_branchReturns the name of the current git branch, possibly as managed by CI ENV varsios, android, mac
last_git_commitReturn last git commit hash, abbreviated commit hash, commit message and authorios, android, mac
reset_git_repoResets git repo to a clean state by discarding uncommitted changesios, android, mac
changelog_from_git_commitsCollect git commit messages into a changelogios, android, mac
number_of_commitsReturn the number of commits in current git branchios, android, mac
git_pullExecutes a simple git pull commandios, android, mac
last_git_tagGet the most recent git tagios, android, mac
push_to_git_remotePush local changes to the remote branchios, android, mac
add_git_tagThis will add an annotated git tag to the current branchios, android, mac
commit_version_bumpCreates a 'Version Bump' commit. Run after increment_build_numberios, mac
git_tag_existsChecks if the git tag with the given name exists in the current repoios, android, mac
ensure_git_branchRaises an exception if not on a specific git branchios, android, mac
git_commitDirectly commit the given file with the given messageios, android, mac
push_git_tagsPush local tags to the remote - this will only push tagsios, android, mac
git_addDirectly add the given file or all filesios, android, mac
get_build_number_repositoryGet the build number from the current repositoryios, mac
set_github_releaseThis will create a new release on GitHub and upload assets for itios, android, mac
create_pull_requestThis will create a new pull request on GitHubios, android, mac
get_github_releaseThis will verify if a given release version is available on GitHubios, android, mac
hg_ensure_clean_statusRaises an exception if there are uncommitted hg changesios, android, mac
hg_commit_version_bumpThis will commit a version bump to the hg repoios, android, mac
hg_pushThis will push changes to the remote hg repositoryios, android, mac
hg_add_tagThis will add a hg tag to the current branchios, android, mac
github_apiCall a GitHub API endpoint and get the resulting JSON responseios, android, mac
commit_github_fileThis will commit a file directly on GitHub via the APIios, android, mac
git_submodule_updateExecutes a git submodule commandios, android, mac
ActionDescriptionSupported Platforms
slackSend a success/error message to your Slack groupios, android, mac
notificationDisplay a macOS notification with custom message and titleios, android, mac
hipchatSend a error/success message to HipChatios, android, mac
mailgunSend a success/error message to an email groupios, android, mac
chatworkSend a success/error message to ChatWorkios, android, mac
iftttConnect to the IFTTT Maker Channelios, android, mac
flockSend a message to a Flock groupios, android, mac
twitterPost a tweet on Twitter.comios, android, mac
typetalkPost a message to Typetalkios, android, mac
ActionDescriptionSupported Platforms
produceAlias for the create_app_online actionios
precheckAlias for the check_app_store_metadata actionios
latest_testflight_build_numberFetches most recent build number from TestFlightios, mac
download_dsymsDownload dSYM files from App Store Connect for Bitcode appsios
app_store_build_numberReturns the current build_number of either live or edit versionios, mac
set_changelogSet the changelog for all languages on App Store Connectios, mac
create_app_onlineCreates the given application on iTC and the Dev Portal (via produce)ios
check_app_store_metadataCheck your app's metadata before you submit your app to review (via precheck)ios
app_store_connect_api_keyLoad the App Store Connect API token to use in other fastlane tools and actionsios, android, mac
ActionDescriptionSupported Platforms
putsPrints out the given textios, android, mac
default_platformDefines a default platform to not have to specify the platformios, android, mac
fastlane_versionAlias for the min_fastlane_version actionios, android, mac
lane_contextAccess lane context valuesios, android, mac
importImport another Fastfile to use its lanesios, android, mac
import_from_gitImport another Fastfile from a remote git repository to use its lanesios, android, mac
clean_build_artifactsDeletes files created as result of running gym, cert, sigh or download_dsymsios, mac
skip_docsSkip the creation of the fastlane/README.md file when running fastlaneios, android, mac
is_ciIs the current run being executed on a CI system, like Jenkins or Travisios, android, mac
setup_jenkinsSetup xcodebuild, gym and scan for easier Jenkins integrationios, mac
unlock_keychainUnlock a keychainios, android, mac
update_fastlaneMakes sure fastlane-tools are up-to-date when running fastlaneios, android, mac
bundle_installThis action runs bundle install (if available)ios, android, mac
upload_symbols_to_crashlyticsUpload dSYM symbolication files to Crashlyticsios
create_keychainCreate a new Keychainios, android, mac
delete_keychainDelete keychains and remove them from the search listios, android, mac
backup_fileThis action backs up your file to '[path].back'ios, android, mac
copy_artifactsCopy and save your build artifacts (useful when you use reset_git_repo)ios, android, mac
promptAsk the user for a value or for confirmationios, android, mac
reset_simulator_contentsShutdown and reset running simulatorsios
restore_fileThis action restore your file that was backuped with the backup_file actionios, android, mac
sayThis action speaks the given text out loudios, android, mac
zipCompress a file or folder to a zipios, android, mac
dangerRuns danger for the projectios, android, mac
artifactoryThis action uploads an artifact to artifactoryios, android, mac
version_bump_podspecIncrement or set the version in a podspec fileios, mac
team_idSpecify the Team ID you want to use for the Apple Developer Portalios
backup_xcarchiveSave your [zipped] xcarchive elsewhere from default pathios, mac
pod_lib_lintPod lib lintios, mac
erbAllows to Generate output files based on ERB templatesios, android, mac
downloadDownload a file from a remote server (e.g. JSON file)ios, android, mac
rocketOutputs ascii-art for a rocket 🚀ios, android, mac
debugPrint out an overview of the lane context valuesios, android, mac
make_changelog_from_jenkinsGenerate a changelog using the Changes section from the current Jenkins buildios, android, mac
pod_pushPush a Podspec to Trunk or a private repositoryios, mac
dsym_zipCreates a zipped dSYM in the project root from the .xcarchiveios, mac
ensure_no_debug_codeEnsures the given text is nowhere in the code baseios, android, mac
clocGenerates a Code Count that can be read by Jenkins (xml format)ios, mac
team_nameSet a team to use by its nameios
scpTransfer files via SCPios, android, mac
verify_buildAble to verify various settings in ipa fileios
install_on_deviceInstalls an .ipa file on a connected iOS-device via usb or wifiios
version_get_podspecReceive the version number from a podspec fileios, mac
rsyncRsync files from :source to :destinationios, android, mac
adb_devicesGet an array of Connected android device serialsandroid
dotgpg_environmentReads in production secrets set in a dotgpg file and puts them in ENVios, android, mac
jiraLeave a comment on JIRA ticketsios, android, mac
read_podspecLoads a CocoaPods spec as JSONios, mac
sshAllows remote command execution using sshios, android, mac
appetize_viewing_url_generatorGenerate an URL for appetize simulatorios
install_xcode_pluginInstall an Xcode plugin for the current userios, mac
add_extra_platformsModify the default list of supported platformsios, android, mac
clipboardCopies a given string into the clipboard. Works only on macOSios, android, mac
build_and_upload_to_appetizeGenerate and upload an ipa file to appetize.ioios
update_icloud_container_identifiersThis action changes the iCloud container identifiers in the entitlements fileios
shRuns a shell commandios, android, mac
plugin_scores001b[31mNo description provided001b[0mios, android, mac
validate_play_store_json_keyValidate that the Google Play Store json_key worksandroid
ruby_versionVerifies the minimum ruby version requiredios, android, mac
echoAlias for the puts actionios, android, mac
google_play_track_version_codesRetrieves version codes for a Google Play trackandroid
google_play_track_release_namesRetrieves release names for a Google Play trackandroid
get_managed_play_store_publishing_rightsObtain publishing rights for custom apps on Managed Google Play Storeandroid
setup_circle_ciSetup the keychain and match to work with CircleCIios, android, mac
spaceship_statsPrint out Spaceship stats from this session (number of request to each domain)ios, android, mac
printlnAlias for the puts actionios, android, mac
min_fastlane_versionVerifies the minimum fastlane version requiredios, android, mac
ensure_env_varsRaises an exception if the specified env vars are not setios, android, mac
setup_travisSetup the keychain and match to work with Travis CIios, android, mac
spaceship_logsFind, print, and copy Spaceship logsios, android, mac
create_app_on_managed_play_storeCreate Managed Google Play Appsandroid
setup_ciSetup the keychain and match to work with CIios, mac
opt_out_usageThis will stop uploading the information which actions were runios, android, mac
environment_variableSets/gets env vars for Fastlane.swift. Don't use in ruby, use ENV[key] = valios, android, mac
modify_servicesModifies the services of the app created on Developer Portalios
ensure_bundle_execRaises an exception if not using bundle exec to run fastlaneios, android, mac

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ActionDescriptionSupported Platforms
crashlyticsRefer to Firebase App Distributionios, android, mac
hockeyRefer to App Centerios, android, mac
badgeAutomatically add a badge to your app iconios, android, mac
automatic_code_signingConfigures Xcode's Codesigning optionsios, mac
s3Generates a plist file and uploads all to AWS S3
notifyShows a macOS notification - use notification insteadios, android, mac
update_project_code_signingUpdated code signing settings from 'Automatic' to a specific profileios
ipaEasily build and sign your app using shenzhenios
upload_symbols_to_sentryUpload dSYM symbolication files to Sentryios
opt_out_crash_reportingThis will prevent reports from being uploaded when fastlane crashesios, android, mac